Killerringer VST, rip-a-tron & "the other" BSOD Screensaver

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  • Pickled curried eggs
  • HDR vs Blu Ray comparison
  • Pocket Operator PO-12 Rhythm cheat sheet
  • Painting fire with Linux, a cigarette lighter, and a Wiimote
  • Mandelbrot Fractal
  • OddSkool
  • BSOD Screensaver
  • rip-a-tron
  • Killerringer VST
  • VST Plugin writing
  • Miscellany
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  • This page contains the software that Toby Newman writes for a hobby. You are visitor number 2763.

    Who is Toby

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    - One of the hosts on UGVM Games Podcast:
    or search "ugvm" in your podcast provider
    Follow me on Mastodon
    Twitter/X @sktoby
    Pikmin bloom: 3428 2463 2685

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    Inside a Genelec 2029a

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    View gallery Disassembly of my Genelec 2029a (digital version of the 1029a)

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    The difference between 4K HDR and Blu Ray

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    View differences Using a digital camera in manual mode to show the differences between Blu Ray and HDR video content.

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    Pickled curried eggs

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    View gallery Eggs being made to taste delicious.

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    Pocket Operator Rhythm cheat sheet

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    View Cheat sheet Cheat sheet for the Pocket Operator PO-12 Rhythm synthesizer.

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    Mandelbrot Fractal

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    A Matlab script written by Toby to draw a Mandelbrot fractal. Thanks go to Peter Aitken from for his 'Fun with Fractals in Visual Studio .NET' article which explained the theory to me.

    'No comments yet.'
    Toby Newman,


    Quick JumpAboutComments Toby Newman's music project. Currently signed to a record label called machine.records. See for live dates and CD purchase info. 'One of the finest things to come out of the machine records stable.'
    Huw Stephens, Radio 1
    Ranked #18 in the Audiosport Festive Fifty: 'Toby Newman is Oddskool. Hij bracht dit jaar enkele fijne singles uit op Machine-Records uit Wales, een goed (net)label met goede releases. Wellicht komend jaar meer van Oddskool (een volwaardige cd?)'
    'I like it. Reminds me of some of the more advanced XM chiptunes, only done with modern production techniques. And done bloody well too!'
    Datassette (J M Davies)
    'Incredible and funny track! I like it very much in particular the sound!'
    Marco Sarolo

    "The other" BSOD screensaver(windows)

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    (2985KB *.ZIP,
    requires flash)
    This screensaver pretends to cause a crash, "re-boots", and installs linux in disgust! Then watch who logs in ;)
    v1.2 fixes the issue with later versions of Windows XP.
    'Just installed your BSOD screensaver – Much more interesting than the other ones floating around, great concept!'

    'ha ha - like it'
    DM from BreakerZyard
    'ha ha - that's cool...'
    'I've already snagged a few people at work'
    M. Reyes
    'Your screensaver owns. :)
    It's one of the coolest I've got.'

    Barney Kemp

    rip-a-tron 2.0(windows)

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    rip-a-tron 2.0

    (1,412KB *.ZIP,
    requires flash)
    rip-a-tron is a graphical toy, inspired by Jeff Minter's "Trip-A-Tron", which was originally released on the Atari ST.

    V2.0 adds fullscreen support, a black background, rumble & flash, new shapes, and new colour controls.

    Some computers may experience a problem with resolution switching in version 2.0. As a workaround, please select "native resolution" in the program. I will fix this in 2.1!
    screenshot screenshot screenshot screenshot screenshot screenshot screenshot screenshot screenshot screenshot screenshot screenshot screenshot screenshot screenshot
    'Woah! Anyone got any mushrooms? That's ace!'
    'Rip-a-tron is like witnessing the beginning of the Universe, with the added bonus of being able to toy with Gravity and Gas! Moonrise was my favourite pre-set'
    Dave Owen
    'I have to admit I was a bit sceptical at first (written in Flash??) but I shouldn't have pre-judged. Totally awesome.'
    'I just spent at least 15 minutes happily playing with parameters with a predictably dazed expression on my face. Mission completed successfully.'
    'Yeah yeah, heavy blud!! ;)'
    DJ Wilsh

    Killerringer VST Plugin(windows)

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    (65k *.ZIP)
    Killerringer is a free VST plugin, a ring modulator with variable LFO oscillators.

    Killerringer is also available bundled with Manifold Lab's Plugzilla, a rack mount linux based hardware audio processor.

    Audio Demonstrations of Killerringer
    'At last, I've downloaded a ring modulator style plug-in which gives great immediate results-it does exactly what it says on the can! As a musician it is the kind of thing I really appreciate.'

    'Still using it after a year, so I looked at his wish list and bought him a fine pair of socks'

    'It's neatly done, all the parameters have a nice control feel with no crackling.'
    Vesa Norilo

    'I like it :o) I like the sound ... very artistic sound :o)'
    Igor Yael

    'ooh it sounds all wibbly and metallic – wibblytastic!'
    CowCube (Paul Stimpson)

    'a nice effect - given the title i was half expecting a run of the mill ring modulator ;-)'

    'Let me give you kudos on a GREAT ring mod. plugin. I was able to create two Dr. Who custom birthday greetings: one was from a dalek, the other a Cyberman...[Killerringer] seems to be the defacto tool for DALEKS!'
    Kenny Haberman

    'jelly fantastic!! more elastic than a beer belly, and just as fun!!'
    Graham Nunns

    'Nice crazy sounds too, beethovens 9th sounds great with it! And I have to thank you for the dissertation its really helped me.'
    Steven Walsh, National University of Ireland

    'I have been playing around with the Killerringer plugin and have found it to be one of the best ones I've had the pleasure of using.'
    John Romain,

    VST Tutorial Section

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    download VST
    Plugin tutorial

    (0.97MB *.PDF)

    download Killerringer
    source code

    (194KB *.ZIP)
    The VST Plugin writing tutorial explains how to create your own VST plugins, and is ideal for beginners.

    It also includes background information about SID chips in the Commodore C64/128, the PC Speaker, and wavetable synthesis.

    The Killerringer C++ source code can be used as a starting point to design your own plugins.
    Your work has been very useful, and the Killerringer is a great plug-in.'
    Carlos Espinoza

    Other Misc Things

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    Toby's Gift List Check this page out if you want to buy Toby a gift. 'What a brilliant idea!'
    Toby's mum

    Web based 3D modelling
    (requires plugin)
    An online 3D model that you can interact with in your browser.
    How to get to the Propaganda Poster Art Centre in Shanghai
    This place is tricky to find and there's not much info on the web so I took some photos for other's benefit.
    Dissertation: David Owen
    (1.23MB *.PDF)
    A paper discussing the effect of electronic technology on contemporary music creation. Contact author:


    Contact author: